reducing forecourt crime Tackling drive-offs and No means of payment

Forecourt Crime Index declines 1.9% during Q3 2024

Forecourt Crime Index declines 1.9% during Q3 2024

Incidents of unpaid fuel decreased by 1.9% in Q3 2024, according to the latest Forecourt Crime Index from BOSS, the British Oil Security Syndicate. However, BOSS emphasises the need for continued vigilance by forecourt operators to mitigate forecourt crime and reduce losses.

During Q3 2024, reports of unpaid fuel declined by 1.9% compared to Q2 2024, bringing the Forecourt Crime Index down to 234 (from 238 in Q2 2024), its lowest level since Q2 2022.

NMoP incidents were 2.3% lower than in the previous quarter, maintaining the downward trend of recent months. Reports of Drive-Off-Failure-to-Pay (DOFP) incidents were also 1.5% lower than in Q2 2024. The average number of unpaid fuel incident reports per site remained steady at 28.8 per site, with NMoP incidents accounting for 56% of reports submitted to Payment Watch.

The average cost of an NMoP incident in Q3 2024 was recorded at £69.24 (£69.89 in Q2 2024). Meanwhile, the average cost of a DOFP incident fell by 2.8% to £48.43 per incident (£49.76 in Q2 2024).

The rise in the Forecourt Crime Index occurred against a backdrop of fluctuating fuel prices. The average cost of unleaded petrol eased to 143.6 pence per litre (ppl) in Q3, down from 147.8 ppl in Q2 2024. The average litres drawn in an NMoP incident increased to 44.88 litres (compared to 43.52 litres in Q1 2024), while litres of fuel taken in DOFP incidents fell slightly to an average of 32.2 litres per incident (down from 33.41 litres in Q4 2023).

Claire Nichol, Executive Director at BOSS, commented: “Falling fuel prices have led to a drop in unpaid fuel incidents, but economic pressures and the rising cost of living still drive some to theft. Busy forecourts with limited surveillance make drive-offs easier, highlighting the need for improved security and staff vigilance to protect businesses from further losses.”

BOSS continues to support forecourt retailers with crime reduction guides designed to help businesses mitigate the risk of unpaid fuel incidents and ensure forecourts remain safe places to work and shop.

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