reducing forecourt crime Tackling drive-offs and No means of payment

About BOSS Payment Watch

BOSS Payment Watch is the leading debt recovery service that is available to fuel retailers. The scheme features a robust set of guidelines and procedures that help forecourt retailers to deal with bilkings, Drive-Off and No Means of Payment incidents.

BOSS Payment Watch is fully GDPR compliant and is available to all fuel retailers. It has been designed to be sensitive to retail customers who genuinely make mistakes but it is firm enough to deal with persistent offenders.

BOSS Payment Watch prevents and reduces financial losses from incidents where drivers fill up, then either Drive-Off without paying for fuel or claim to have No Means of Payment (NMoP) and subsequently fail to return to pay.

Drive-Offs fall into two categories. One-third result in drivers filling up, making no attempt to pay and then driving off. But two-thirds of incidents are failure to pay instore. There may be many reasons for this, a mistake or deliberate. Some police forces treat these incidents differently. Some see them as a civil offence while others treat them as a crime.

When an NMoP incident occurs the system starts with a process designed to encourage the motorist to explore possibilities for making payment eg payment by passenger, phone a friend etc. It’s not always possible to resolve cases on the spot in this way and that is when the proven BOSS Payment Watch documentation can help.

Feedback from retailers who are already enjoying the benefits of BOSS Payment Watch membership is overwhelmingly positive. They see more people return to pay than previously and, when drivers fail to return, our specialist debt recovery agents work hard on recovering monies owed. Overall, surveyed retailers have recouped over 80% of initial losses.

To reduce your losses and increase recovery from Drive-Off and NMoP incidents join BOSS Payment Watch today.

To sign up for BOSS Payment Watch contact BOSS at 01926 864 757

How to sign up for BOSS Payment Watch

Forecourt operators can benefit from BOSS Payment Watch .

The annual BOSS Payment Watch fee is £150 + VAT per site, per annum.

There is a one-off registration and set-up fee for a new user of £50.00 + VAT.

New service users receive a BOSS Payment Watch starter pack. Each pack contains a complete set of user guides and operating procedures that allow fuel retailers to use BOSS Payment Watch as an effective crime reduction technique on each site.

BOSS Payment Watch is available to ALL fuel retailers on the UK mainland and in Northern Ireland. The benefits include:

  • Saves retailers time and effort in chasing drive-offs and no means of payment debt.
  • Robust procedures for pursuing the debt in the event that drivers do not pay.
  • An easy process for drivers to settle their debt.
  • More than 75% of overall debt recovery is regularly achieved.
  • Deters professional criminals.
  • Signing up for BOSS Payment Watch will mean there are fewer forecourts for offenders to target.


To sign up for BOSS Payment Watch contact BOSS at 01926 864 757

Report an incident

BOSS Payment Watch is the leading debt recovery scheme available to forecourt operators. It is an established and trusted system that is used to recover financial losses caused by forecourt crime. Incidents include drivers filling up, then either driving-off without paying for fuel, or drawing fuel and then claiming to have no means to pay for the fuel  and subsequently not returning to pay.

Use BOSS Payment Watch and reduce losses from unpaid fuel

Make a payment to BOSS Payment Watch

BOSS Payment Watch is the leading debt recovery scheme for fuel retailers. It is operated by BOSS, the British Oil Security Syndicate and features a robust set of guidelines and procedures that help retailers to collect money owed as a result of either a Drive-Off or No Means of Payment incidents.

Pay now for unpaid fuel

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