How sign up to Payment Watch
Payment Watch helps forecourt retailers recover more than £15 million from unpaid fuel incidents
Telephone BOSS on 01926 864757
How to sign up to Payment Watch
BOSS Payment Watch is the leading debt recovery service that is available to fuel retailers. The scheme features a robust set of guidelines and procedures that help forecourt retailers to deal with bilking, Drive-Off and No Means of Payment incidents.
Forecourt operators can benefit from BOSS Payment Watch by signing up.
The annual service user fee for BOSS Payment Watch is £150 + VAT per site, per annum.
There is a one-off registration and set-up fee for new forecourt operators of £50.00 + VAT.
Each service user receives a BOSS Payment Watch starter pack. Each pack contains a complete set of user guides and operating procedures that allow fuel retailers to use BOSS Payment Watch as an effective crime reduction technique on each site.
BOSS Payment Watch is available to ALL United Kingdom fuel retailers and brings the following advantages:
- Saves retailers time and effort in chasing drive-offs and no means of payment debt.
- Robust procedures for pursuing the debt in the event that drivers do not pay.
- An easy process for drivers to settle their debt.
- More than 75% of overall debt recovery is regularly achieved.
- Deters professional criminals.
- Using BOSS Payment Watch will mean there are fewer forecourts for offenders to target.
Contact BOSS and start recovering unpaid fuel debts more efficiently and reducing losses from Drive-Off and No Means of Payment incidents